Whistleblower System
Welcome to the Whistleblower System
At ZECK, we are constantly striving to create a transparent and trustworthy working environment. Our corporate culture is based on integrity, ethics, and responsibility. As part of these efforts, we have established a whistleblower system to enable our employees, customers, business partners, and other stakeholders to anonymously and securely report concerns, suggestions, or suspicions regarding unethical behavior, rule violations, or other relevant matters.
Why Use the Whistleblower System?
Our whistleblower system is an important tool to ensure that potential problems are identified and addressed early. It allows anyone with information that affects the company to share it confidentially and without fear of retaliation. With your help, we can maintain the integrity of our organization and ensure that we meet our ethical standards.
How Does It Work?
Our whistleblower system is simple and user-friendly. You can share your information via a secure online form or an anonymous hotline. Your identity will be kept strictly confidential unless you expressly decide to reveal it. We are committed to carefully reviewing all reports and taking appropriate action to investigate and address possible violations.
When Should You Use the Whistleblower System?
You should use the whistleblower system if you:
- Have knowledge of unethical behavior or rule violations.
- Have concerns about our business practices or our working environment.
- Have suggestions for improving our processes or procedures.
We encourage you to share your concerns to help maintain a positive and ethical corporate culture.
Your Help is Crucial
Your reports are invaluable. They contribute to strengthening the integrity and accountability of ZECK and support us in living our mission and values. We thank you for your support in ensuring a trustworthy and ethical working environment.
Contact Us
If you have reports or information you would like to share, please use our whistleblower system. Your concerns will be taken seriously, and we will do everything in our power to address them appropriately.
We thank you for your cooperation and commitment to integrity and ethics in our organization.
You can report suspicions toll-free at the following times:
Mon. - Fri.: 09:00 - 17:00
From Germany: +49 800 3800 999
From abroad: +49 69 99998839
Online Reporting Channel